Business pally descry Online Event Entertainment

Business pally descry Online Event Entertainment

Business pally descry Online Event Entertainment


Online events not only differ technically from classic live events with an on-site audience.

You should also take the changed conditions into account in terms of content in order to offer your audience not just a simple video stream, but a real experience.

In this article you will learn in short practical tips on what you should pay attention to when planning and which factors can be decisive during the event.

I’ve already talked about the planning and Implementation of virtual event in my previous publications.

However, one thing that’s still lacking in virtual meeting is the entertainment aspect of it.



A major disadvantage of a larger online event is that you cannot see your audience, says Chaktty.

There are virtual event pros and cons, same as the physical event, but you can save a lot in online event.

Like I’ve said, in physical event, organizers tend to entertain their audience with colorful and attractive hall, offer some items that participants can keep gazing at.

Also, foods and drinks, songs and drama can be used to entertain the guests, however, this entertainment aspect is not much considered in online event.

So you don’t notice when people are distracted, walking away from the screen, or even asleep. And this danger actually exists, because studies have shown that after a short period of passive consumption on the screen, attention drops drastically. 

According to Businesspally, After 60 to 75 minutes at the latest, most participants have exhausted their receptiveness and it is high time for a short break.

Therefore, use as many of the following elements as possible to bring excitement and variety to your online event.


Interacting with the audience

Try to actively engage your audience as often as possible. For example, conduct small surveys and polls or ask viewers to get involved in the chat. 

Offer a Q&A parallel to the stream, which you either respond to continuously or at the end of each session.


Create many small highlights instead of a “grande finale

The risk of losing viewers increases with every minute in which too little happens or no added value is offered.

So try to structure the content so that it can be “consumed” in regular, small chunks. Similar to a good thriller, this keeps the tension high, businesspally boss advised.


Incorporating frequent media switching

Media switching in no way means that your audience should constantly switch platforms. 

But, as with a normal lecture, you can add variety by using different media.

 Liven up your online event with short video clips, for example. Even flipcharts are no problem with the right camera setting.


Change perspective often Whenever

possible and sensible, use more than one camera to give your audience a view from multiple perspectives.

This keeps the attention high and makes the stream more varied.

 Depending on the hardware and software used, exciting picture-in-picture combinations are also possible.


Schedule breakout sessions if possible

Have you ever tried to leave the room without getting up? With online events, this is very easy. 

Split your audience into multiple virtual breakout rooms and treat different topics separately. These can be guided workshops or independent group work, tech pally.

Don’t worry: you don’t have to try desperately to use all the elements.

 Simply combine those that suit your event and are fun for you. That works best.

Whether purely virtual or hybrid, whether at your place or in the studio: How you decide is entirely up to you (and the currently applicable official requirements – but that’s another topic..

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